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  Who is GRC?  GRC is a global coalition.  It is people at the high end of academia taking time to use their training to invent new methods and tools of keeping the water, earth, land, air, and people clean. GRC is Governments who care enough to assist/cooperate and installing tools and methods to restore the Planet and in enforcing new laws to assure it.  GRC is anyone who gives a damn, who is willing to plant, research, wade, monitor, call mattress companies, for example, and ask for certificates for mattresses and beddings; people who use their calculator to help with budgets; It’s Legal minds who are working on causes of action to stop TEPCO from ever relighting another reactor, and from factories who are producing deathly smoke to produce hair combs; It’s fabricators who take the time to turn pipe into machines that safeguard you and your families Night And Day; It’s Inspectors and Plan Checkers who enforce more stringent regulations on Building/Manufacturing/ anything that has to do with our elements / It’s Watch Dogs / Political / Scientific / Academic / Students / Or Volunteers who take the time to test water / Monitor the Political Activities in regards to environment or assist in taking time to inform people on what they can do to save their birth-rate and their Planet Home.


The Formation of GRC 
Global Rescue Restoration Coalition


  In the process of negating Entities working on small scale, making either small contributions or having their contributions eradicated by larger more networked destructive entities, is the concept and actuation of Teaming like Entities to perform combined efforts.  Some of the basic categories for entities are: Multifaceted Academicians / Scientists / Public Private / Research - Groups, Entities, Orgs, Agencies / Local / International / Combined such as was formed by China/Korea / International Physicians for Prevention of Nuclear War networking thousands of medical research scientists, each with their own facility / Governmental Agencies / regulating and enforcing/  supportive and involved (at all levels) from International, National, Regional, including but not limited to Public works departments, dedicated and specific Departments and Agencies / Enforcement/Controlling Agencies / governments / entities at all levels interested / involved / willing to be involved / legislators / policy makers / informational entities / assisting entities / judicial etc. / Legal entities / volunteer / concerned /dedicated / 501c3 / Antinuclear / Environmentalists / Service / Disaster Relief / Media / and many more.  


  Some of the categories of concern and operations: anti nuclear / environmental / humanitarian / philanthropic / social / legal / violatory / corruption / entities affectatious of other regions / human trafficking / contamination / threats / Political / research and development / improvement / oceanic / atmospheric / land / human concerns and many others.


  The concept is simple - there are numerous entities currently attempting to enact solutions / improvements / efforts in many different categories - in the systematic contact, ascertaining of parameters / matching up, teaming to a directed mission goal with parameters / areas specific of efforts / the goal of many can be accomplished by joint effort in what is barely possible by the efforts of each Singularly.

*In that is opportunity itself, the opportunity is to become a guiding force in enacting the Solutions to conditions which realistically effect Everyone’s Lives - whether providing opportunity for desperate, potentialed young people destined to be victims or stopping companies from destroying the Earth with deathly Pollution.


  The first steps in forming a Global Rescue Restorative Coalition is to outline clearly what the Mission goals are / the Directives / a Rough Flowchart of Entities Necessary in order to accomplish the Directives / a Title and Specific Operating Parameters / the systematic Categorization and a productive teaming for most conducive efforts and results / In logging of all entities / categorization by departments and mission goals / the assignment of a Coordinator and Head to each Category and the steady surveillance / guidance / recording of Efforts / improvements / results.

  In order to enable the efficient process of this it is necessary to have a communication system - multi-lingual, interactive, contemporary, easy to maintain / upgrade, Another, the systems to readily receive / analyze / collate / group data and accomplishments for regular review and forwarding to following advanced network for utilization of same.


  It is also necessary to generate an overall list of codes, general operating parameters in regards to all aspects and functions / communication / behavior / presentation / issues of Intellectual Property / etc.  

  It is imperative to develop the instinct and ability of delegating tasks.


  To succinctly show the concept of GRC consider scientific research groups identifying loc's / levels / locations / source of origin / criteria of delivery and to what regions, documenting in correlation with statistics on affectations to Humans, to be used in decontamination efforts / directions in predicted areas requiring remediation providing evidence indisputable for Due Cause in legal Injunctions, simultaneously Medical Research Groups are using this information along with additional existing to improve methods or curative / preventative protections in conjunction with Governmental and 501c3 Entities dispersing the remediation where needed.  Information networks providing necessary information on awareness and availability of remediation / Legal Research Groups outlining violations local / state / regional / national / international in several categories in conjunction with Data from research groups / media / communiques / evidence, filing injunctions to cease and abate the Source, working with legislators to enact effective agencies / methods / new legislation / enforcement (in conjunction with governmental support) with Voter assistance coming from all available network, Efforts in prosecution to instill caution in all entities engaged in similar activities/violation, all efforts duplicated for civil action to accomplish all of the above / pay for all efforts and remunerate victims in all categories - all efforts Expanded to include other threatening Situations / Violations - the efforts of each within the parameters of their function contributing to a wave and overall eradication of the problem / prevention/protection for the future and success.


  Another Step in facilitating the process is by designing an outline clearly defining the status of each category in regards to current conditions, I.E.: The overall status of the world in regards to Bio-sphere with affectation from each category: Nuclear Contamination, including Haz-waste Storage, Events, current production, loads, military testing, etc, / CO2 production / Ozone Depletion / Hot-house Effect / etc.  In outlining the actual condition of the Earth, Its inhabitants for each category and combined, a dissolution or destruction date can be generated as in: predictions of Hot-house ozone depletion / earthquakes /etc. and then Using existing formula showing the combined load working in destruction of the world and its modules, a tentative date of self-destruction can then be gained / in that awareness of the dire necessity for immediate / retroactive improvement / solution / damage control / current restoration / future preservation and preventatives, provide impetus towards accelerating necessary solutions - exemplifying or clearly defining the statements "If you feel land / air / water / people / agriculture are not imperative, attempt to exist without them for a short while" to say the works of organizers / coordinators of a Global Coalition implementing immediate rescue operations / implementing centers of opportunity and survival for the desperate such as tens of thousands of teenage females refugees relocating to the equivalent for you of dropping your present endeavors, grabbing a back-pack and moving to Russia / It's not just categorized as important but in reality providing the things that you take for granted such as having a future, and would wish to have if you did not, for those who do not, but is genuine and from a future stand-point greatly contributory.  There is a great deal of additional information most contained in Additional Notes hand-written (Go to Additional Notes Section GRC).



Some activities coordinators will be overseeing will require development. 


Additional Points: 

1) Another one of the important steps in formation of GRC is assigning volunteers to generate Budgets for the different projects / apply for Grants

2) Another is assigning Networking Personnel to contact en Mass Agencies / Entities / Groups / Volunteer Groups / Scientific / Research / Acadmeic / Antinuke / Environmental / Grant / Foundation / Any Available Outlet Resource / Inlet Possible Entity to either become or support part of the Network / Activities / to offer Support in Return, networking them with like entities that can asset them / in Logging / and obtaining intent for Donation Materials / Supplies / Assistance in accomplishing our missions.  

3) Assigning a Volunteer to be a media monitor to Log News of Interest / Events / Related Information, Another is to Assign volunteers to contact Media for Informationals Out / PSA’s / etc.  

GRC Outline Anti-Nuclear/Environmental and all Research Groups Explanation



  In working emergency and long-term methods to Save the Earth it is important to realize several things — here on the West Coast USA we have approximately 700,000 tons of active radioactive mass growing near our home - it does not sleep– neither do the people producing it – they work in shifts–they don't care – they are suicidal – and are trying to take everyone and everything with it and most governments don't care they will either act similarly or believe things will suddenly clear-up for them and their family – motive $ / Nuclear power for war and protection / stupidity or living in denial of the consequences / next if you think land air water people Forest animals sea/Vegetable and cell life doesn't concern you try to live without them for a while/ we are if have not already– Reaching the Point of No Repair - / Next there are many Aspects of - Repair / Work contribution — Preventative / Legal / Reparative / Restorative / Medical / Networking / Informational / Scientific / Instructional / Research and Development in all aspects / Local / District / National and International.



SRG=Scientific Research Group / LRA=Legal Research Association /

ARG=Alternate Research Group / ERG=Economic research Group /

MRG=Medical Research Group / RRG=Restoration/Development Group

PRG=Patent Research Group / BRG=Business Research Group


1. Informational using total Data and Info Prepare Website Instructional Video or Written for Seminars - Info’s to Media - News, Radio, Papers, Television, etc. / 501(c)(3)’s / Government agencies / Academic / populous/ research and others to outline the problems/Include asking for support from all of the above for legal procedures and other organizations agencies/Outline solutions and make available to participate in GRC (Global Rescue Coalition) / Inform of Remediation /

b) Act as liaison monitor all sources and forward to proper link of GRC  to facilitate their projects/including documentaries/legal cases/Progress or deterrent etc./


2) Legal assistant will work in research team to facilitate shutdown/Cleanup and Decommission of TEPCO and other Pollutant Sources / give cause to - SRG / LRG - amend the current laws with all agencies (research and log) public works / water encroachment prevention / parks and waterways / PUC’s / State / National / International / pollution prevention / protection agencies / enforcement agencies / Government or any entity helpful in stopping toxins destruction / A legislation new stringent laws for violators/ and setting up enforcement agencies/assisting (Due cause and Research Law and Data) Civil and International Suits to all offenders and ensure the proliferation of all agencies work with ARG (Alternate Research Group) for Legislation Acts with Legislation Agencies for actuating / Enforcement Agencies for Enforcement (using statistics/Data as Causation for same) in Local / District / National / Global Laws / Assist in Legislation to all Regulating Agencies’ Laws to mandate use of Alternate Energy Productions etc.


3) Research — SRG (Scientific Research Group) in the Development of a 3D Laser Projected Globe(s) Interactive for Purpose (SIGMA)

-LRA - (Legal Research Association) (see 2) / Network with SRG

-ARG - Research and Develop under Confidentiality Alternate forms of Motors / Energy / Energy-Saving devices / Alt. Fuels / methods of Production and Manufacturing / Products / work with Patent Process - integrate to allow for actually Replacing Harmful Methods and Products / work with BRG (Business Research Group) and network LRA for Patent Process / Contracts of % and Profitability / Process and Developments to be turned to Legislation Law / Work with Team ERG (Econ.RsrchGroup) to work out actualization of expansion plan for replacement of oil and related industry/ car industry / redistribution of economy to nondestructive non-dictatorial entities in government / drafting outline to show advantages and possible Profit and Efforts for new system to economy– work with SRG and others to show positive effects to environment/include job study for income and job replace (not loss) A cohesive plan for replacing refinery/ gas stations/ parts/Regulation/transportation etc. Jobs and income with current alternatives/ prepared to present to all entities government/Legislative/organizations/ public/ internationally / utilize the agreement between USA and China to go Petroleum Free /

  Work out Design to replace all motors existing to conversion motors transportation/Boats / Planes / Ships / Helicopters / military / construction / tools / generators / existing power plants to green systems / Doc Draft and Forward to Proper agency in command for Presentation / similar Products Paper / Plastic / etc. / Network Proper Links / teams for legislation to law / similar with electrical conservation devices.


4) Environmental - work with Townes and other groups– to develop/with the assistance of SIGMA /Systems of repair/plants/trees to convert carbons to oxygen/ machinery and processes to repair the damaged modules of Earth / ditto to repair/Setup system of monitoring agencies/ make reliable/Work with LRA to enact laws and enforcement to assure/Work with all agencies to ensure maintenance and survival of laws/

  b) develop plan and instructions with props to teach indigenous building system septic/Potable H2O source for Third World countries utilize– peace Corps / 501(c)(3) / Mission groups /

  c) network all environmental groups for support and informational developed / assistance in carrying out

  d) arrange Conference to develop– research agency/ actuates legislation answers see additional rough notes/ Global Rescue Coalition / (also Reference Outline for Convention (link)).  


MRG - medical research group - research and develop alternative remediation for all people to protect and reverse the effects of radiation and other contaminants/work with BRG to actuate plans. In these cases work with LRA to arrange percent of profit from business/ Develop AFP “Advanced Fetal Protection” - network with think tanks, Medicals – International Journal of Health / Dr. John W. Apsley / Dr. Isaac Eliaz / International physicians for the prevention of nuclear war /Research groups – Stanford? Attempting to expedite remediation/Informational Link to info Public – A set of plan at global disbursement–to Blanket Protect fetuses and hosts to eliminate the current birth loss/ Threat / SIDS /Infant Mortality Rate / specialized Remediation for older/ Infirmed / Ensure Existing crisis and Aid 501(c)(3)'s work in disbursement of all Remediates.


SRG=Scientific Research Group / LRA=Legal Research Association /

ARG=Alternate Research Group / ERG=Economic research Group /

MRG=Medical Research Group / RRG=Restoration/Develpmnt Group

PRG=Patent Research Group / BRG=Business Research Group


RRG - the destruction/or curation / replacement of agriculture / livestock / fish / ocean / and Wildlife.


BRG - works on development/ Funding sources / research and development products/Methods/ businesses stemming from remediates / filters / patent Ideas / Products etc. actually work out agreements for profitability/ with PRG for developments into patents / LRA for legislation procedure to Law /


Note: Understand – a majority of all profits received by conceptualizer / designer go to Missions - JNBA - Shelter / JNBA-M / DSSO (Desperate Situations Solutions and Opportunity) - you can view the Outlines for these Projects under the Projects menu above, under Shelter, or Reference the Index under Programs/Ops Index and Volunteer Ops. 



  PRG - works with - LRA / ARG / BRG and Attorney Processing Procedures Intellectual Property Inventions / Innovations to Patents / Copyrights / to Max Efficiency (legal ) and Profitability - for funding of Missions and Involved Personnel /

All participants in each field will be operating in an actual project to stop the Destruction / Abate / Cessate / Remunerate / Remediate / Actuate the Decontamination of Dangerous Toxic Situations.

Some activities coordinators will be overseeing will require development.

Note: Reviewing all of the Previous Info will give outline - see Projects menu and follow from Anti-nuke/Environmental section onward.

Note: Reference Additional Notes GRC

(see bottom of Projects menu)



  Never before has this type of coalition been attempted at this level and at this extent - the United Nations began as a Coalition, an adversary of fascism/the Powers of Evil and Future Invasion - they are limited and hampered by so many different variables. This is a coalition designed specifically to go after the Target of Problem Sources with the Arrows of Solution. Joining your abilities in these efforts Empowers the process of repairs accelerated - not ever in the history of Man have they been needed so Urgently…

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