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Business Opportunities 

Intro to Business


  In opting for business opportunities is truly a win win win situation - all of the products are meant for protectant / preservation of humanity such as the Remediation Business / Outlets are currently waiting, it is a Protectant and curative from Radioactive Exposure.  As the West Coast USA is preparing to be declared a DISASTER AREA, the Customer Base is Intense - not only are you actually protecting the Rights of People to live and continue their family lines but to maintain our culture - the additional plus side is it is extremely lucrative / thus it is with the Filtration business / others concerned Alternate products to replace uncountable articles that cause danger / damage to people / the environment in the extremist / One business is based on a line of Natural Food treats meant to assist in eliminating Diabetes / make available products for people with Sugar Issues / Others concerned with Alternate Energy and Transportation forms - as the American and Chinese governments have already signed an agreement to eliminated PETRO-chems in transportation by 2025 the products will be mandatory, in addition, the alternate energy methods will drastically reduce the need for production consumption of Electricity and assist eliminating the need for nuclear capacity.   

  First Step is to Gain an overall of all affecting variables and scope - a formation and disbursement .

  Next step is to formulate a business plan (budget) for all aspects and for application for SBA and Grant Funding as possibles 

  Taking into account: Admin costs - formulation of project - Licensing / etc./ Possible Location - ergonomics - ability to expand - Costation within location upgrade / conversion / maintenance / repair / associated expense

Note: In this effect it is beneficial to generate a functioning design of optimum assembly / manufacture Plan 

Note: Any of Businesses may be started as home base 

Taking into account in cost of modules and pertinent along with associated time / associated expenses.

/ Packaging  / advertising / distribution / Dunnage / Janitorial - Annual Cost / Licensing / Taxes / 

Note: There is an option to run businesses under a 501c3 if a legal percentage is donated to Missions associated with GRC.

Personnel / Workman’s comp / Insurance / accounting / Investment (under cost management there I can be enormous savings with experienced planning) / Subsidizing / Miscellaneous expenses - All Factors should be taken into account.

Note: In the cases of Remediation Filtration and Others, outlets are currently awaiting product and with the scope of Damage a viable and rapid expansion plan should be prepared and ready to actuate. As to many of these plans / others, Budgeting and Grants should be applied to make this technology available to everyone.


  There is also availability for Patent Sales Brokers.

Reference the Director, for assistance / additional Information (Also See Add. Notes). Refence Contact button to Email us, Please leave your Name and Phone number and which business op you are interested in actuating. 

Remediation Company

  As previously stated the need / purpose and results have the possibility of bestowing forgiveness upon former “career Criminals” / however as not currently or previously employed, the benefits should be greater with networking informational developed - all media outlet, including PSAs / Commercials - a Full Instructional plan of awareness of situation (Ref. Timeline Tepco) / And all methods of protection / preventatives / curatives / remediation - giving option to utilize your particular outlet / hopefully operating at least partially on grants to allow full distribution to even those cannot afford to pay.

  Under development of Remediation is Improvement / with the assistance of Medical Research Groups and existing Data a full range protectant system to include AFP - Advanced Fetal Protection - Alternate Treatments for those Gestating / Elderly / or Infirmed - Ref. Director for Specific Instructions…


Reference Remediation in Consult E - 


  A Lucrative Business Possibility exists to produce a preventative Gum - one made of easily obtainable ingredients prevents the absorption of radioactive contamination in its forms - decontaminating the hazard before it can assimulate to the human system - this project does not require extensive reserach / investment / gearing up to enact however the incredible benefits will make a marked difference in the disease rates of affected areas - become a staple with an intense market - and with the declaration of the West Coast to Disaster Area regarding the same, will be extremely lucrative and serve humanity.  Grants should be applied for to allow dispersal to the entire population. 


  Currently in existence are personal ionization devices / portable - the development of the proper ionization to cancel the effects of Radioactivity modified with existing device designed to be encompassing the human body should be developed.

Filtration Business

  As very similar to the Remediation business (ref. Remediation Company above) - the benefits will remain long after the remnants of existing culture and the cockroach.

  The product line includes Simple and complex filtration chambers/systems for Residence / business / industrial / Agricultural / food / potable sources and portable models for security.

  Some additional things to consider is prefabricating units / alternate designs and manufacturer (for cost effectiveness) - comparative studies should be enacted in order to Formulate a Decision / however the process expansion and practices will correlate closely to the Remediation business.

Contact the Director for Consult.  Gunther Williams - 510-478-2109


As to many of these plans / others, Budgeting and Grants should be applied to make this technology available to everyone 


Natural Foods Business

  As stated the purposes in natural food company (Treats) is to provide a wide range - fudge / chocolate / chocolate pies / cheesecake / fruit and berry pies / cookies / frozen yogurt / muffins and much more. All Organic / Health / No Sugar - The Markets are currently Awaiting - Testing Samples - Have Been Sent / A Chain of Natural Food Grocery Stores / Privately Owned Grocery Stores/Restaurants and COSTCO are extremely interested.   With the previous outline sure by FDA (still have allowing) the disallowance of sugar in schools / the Sugar Bites / Asucar Muerte campaign it is the turn of the Century and I have the “Sole Ford Dealership” / aside from the fact that you are now allowing Diabetics / People prone to to Enjoy, Pig-out, and Eat the treats they are torturously forbidden to have now, it’s the Enumerable Stats of People who will not suffer that Disease due to these Products / In addition of starting the trend / raising the next gen’s without Sugars.

  The process involves confidentiality as information is protected (legally) - however follows the basic plan as outlined in Intro Business - Contact Gunther W. for Details 510-478-2109.

Alternate Products


  There are project openings (under confidentiality) for a series of Concepts vitally contributory - safeguard systems in regards to communications / and prevention of Nuclear Events … Call Gunther Williams for details 510-478-2109.

Alternate Energy 


  With the assistance of R&D groups and existing information, engineering students a modification of existing devices is slated to be produced (or modified) on obtaining, may be utilized at a fabrication or retrofit application / the use of device will reduce the consumption of Electricity by approximately 75+% - without sacrificing any services / the assistance of Legal / Voter support and members of the Government in conjunction with Current Patent applications - being turned into Legislation would make these products mandatory / reduce the necessity drastically for Nuclear Capacity / and work as a “new” industry, adding actual financial stability as another Plus…


As to many of these plans / others, Budgeting and Grants should be applied to make this technology available to everyone 

  The Transportation


  In the development of Alternate transportation / power station, the concepts already existent and protected, it is sole owned Intellectual property - requires no new tech and is amazing.

  The application can replace every existing motor (practically) - Cars / Boats / Planes / Ships / Construction Material / Buses / Trucks / Transports / Helicopters / Military equipment / generators, even working as remote / Tools - Table Saws to Power Plants - but not limited to.

  It is necessary to perform with assistance a research study on all existing Petro-chem related and associated Industry / Trickle Down Contribution - Locations and particulars.

  It is necessary to develop a Working Plan to replace Petro-chem industries and Incomes - without missing a beat / refineries to manufacturing plants  / Gas stations to Certification Stations / Transportation conversion to New Product - expansion plans and a realistic fiduciary plan to show not only the savings as in Elimination of Spending in All Oil Related Sources - and an equivalent in revenue to the Government of Current to show No Tax Loss.

Note: In the removing the money from the Oil companies - simultaneously removes the thorns of Corruption and stranglehold on the government / allows free American Diplomatic Decisionary Powers, including prevention of reciprocation for Nations that supplied 93% of Terrorists performing acts on American Soil. - With the conversion of certification manufacture maintenance repair / regulated by government, the revenue will surpass existing from Oil based business and with the direction of profits being routed towards honest / actual representation and productive Branches of the Government - a Rapid Political change should assist in the return of America to be Of the People.

  With the american government being presented with a part of the Patent proceeds will additionally assist in brick and mortar money (in the extremist) as the rest of the world will be forced to abide by international patent to utilize the product - being legislated all Residents USA likewise.

  the recycling of “old” Petro-chem power stations (motor) will additionally bring in income and new business.

  The removal utilization of auto-computers / gas tanks is included / as is the need to design variable compressor / heating cooling and charging systems. 

  The elimination of the world’s largest CO2 contributor will immediately begin in restoration reversal hothouse effect / global warming / ozone depletion / carcinogens and its effects.

  We have what we prefer to call “A Five-fer” it’s a win situation all the way around; people benefit / the entire Bio-sphere and the Coordinators “See More Money” than is available to fill up Stadiums - Get Rich and Feel Damn Good About It…  Consult Gunther Williams for detail 510-478-2109.


As to many of these plans / others, Budgeting and Grants should be applied to make this technology available to everyone 

Alternate Materials 


  As has been necessary for centuries the development of alternate forms of materials to replace Plastics / paper / and many others.

  In the replacement of plastics we can see the relief of infested garbage / carcinogens and its results (Cancer) / Contamination - contribution in pollutants to ground /Air/ Water/ the Contamination and Affectation to Species, particularly in unwanted contributions (plastic Cont’s to Baja and Other Destinations - the relief of pollutants in all aspects and disposal.  

  In replacing paper we see contributions in eliminating Deforestation and reduction to hothouse effect and its results.  

Call Gunther Williams for Details 510-478-2109  


As to many of these plans / others, Budgeting and Grants should be applied to make this technology available to everyone 




  The Opting for Business is not a forbidden subject, nor is it anything to hesitate in doing - the actuality is the actuation of these things means physically spreading the benefits of evolution I.E.: advances slated to relieve people and the environment of Toxins long known to contribute to their Demise and suffering in the interim.
  In opting to participate - become wealthy / involved in new products and methods manufacturing / is something not only to be proud of, to feel the contributions of… 


Sandstone International Consulting Co.


Global Convergent Encompassing Solutions


Gunther Williams


Edwin Lobato

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