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Add Notes AN/E section

Additional notes for AN/E / and R&D Options for Participation

  (is also a "Tada To-do List")


-Contact Scientists regularly testing R-con levels SF Bay Area and Request Generate Total Scope of Mutation and Accrued levels of R-con (to include Hi-frequency) in correlation with current fueling sources.

-Develop Heating devices elemental that do not require electricity.

-Development of Alternate / Energy / transport / Power Station / Electrical / Conservation Devices (Ref. Business Section)

-Determine what in Water makes R-con power levels grow.

-Develop Nuclear Safety Devices.

-Determine optimum process for decontamination.

-Develop Ionization Decontamination Devices.

   Decon + Decommission Devices.

-Produce study of Victims of Chernobyl / Three-Mile Island / New Hampshire / Fukushima / why were some people not affected / use immunology for current victims.  

-Use Reverse Genetic Damage Effect for all exposure victims / including children.

-Contact all Environmental /Anti-nuke Attorneys / Students to enlist assistance.

-Design a Matrix Testing proving Ground.

-Assemble a full screen Informational R-con Documentary and Abridged.

-Assemble Enviro’s / Volunteer / Arboretum Groups for replanting in conjunction with pollution studies.

-Design, perfect Pollution Decon. conversion Devices for all Lethal Toxins.

  - Tools/Machinery using existing tech. for restoring qualities to all Natural modules.

-Assist in toxicity level and source studies to Target areas of problem.

-Compute total levels of R.con fuel/flushing/leakage / dumping / by Region and its acclimative effects - Special attention to high violation areas - USA / Britain / Asia / Russia / Norway / Etc.

-Research group prove the Direct Correlation between each offender - results - document - Assist in International Action to Cease / Desist / Remunerate .

-Assemble Network to Force Decon.; Norway has storage.  Force cleanup, decon and instigate Legal Action for Damage to Polar Regions and for the Results to all Victims. 

- Use all Available Network and instigate / coordinate / legislation in league with supportive groups: Legal / Research Groups / Governmental Agencies/ etc.  for the forced remediation / remuneration of any affect to All victims for Nuclear Activity.

- Next, assist in setting up viable watch dog agency to effectively cause enforcement.

- Research all laws and rules of Remuneration Liability / procedures in bonding insurance for Nuke companies / publish report on effects, violations, and lack of responsible action / create new legislation using scenario, current data to force Nuclear activity entities in obtaining / keeping / and using equitable insurance.

- Try Repeat Offenders for crimes against humanity.

- Arrange Convention for all interested In damage control / environmental repair - multi-lingual / interactive devices / Comp. Conference for those unable to attend / Instigate lawsuit for all victims: Britain / Russia / America / etc. 

- Instigate Study Show Acclimative Effects - Fallout / Washing / Leaks / Demand Remuneration / New Legislation against

- Setup emergency medical response activation methods and Network to educate the current Ignorant medical systems.

- Publish complete documented status Report on each module of the Earth and expected date of Overload / Collapse.

- Assist in Action against all Pollution manufacturers / Setup Watchdogs and new Legislation / Legislate International Child Minimal Provisional Law - with accompanying Indigenous Regional How-To and Enforcement.

- Start Newsletter to inform In-light, share solution and protection Methods, Success levels, and Feature Person of the Month.  

- Contact all Anti-Genocide groups and inform them of Genocide American Style

- Force the complete disclosure of All Reasoning / Communiques / Records Nuclear Regulating Agencies / Entities and Reasoning behind allowance for Lethal Activity. 

Important — Generate Format Flowchart Explain - Overall Plan and Schedule for World Decontamination, Nuclear Power Replacement, World Restoration.

- Keep up on the Funding / Always Document Expenses, Activities, Results, Obstacles, and Forward to Proper Entities Committee, Grant Seeking Section, etc.  

- Assist In Development of multi-use software to account effort / events / contentions / expenses / every concerned module efforts to analyze, organize, collate and assemble into Reports.  Always forward suggestions to Coordinators and Committees. 

- Generate plan to repair watershed / including Cell Strengthening Toxin Relief Decontamination / Underground Water Decontamination / Integrate Ionic Ultra-violet/any other forms / Tromp and Weir.

- Develop Restoration plan for West Coast / Livestock / Fish / Foal / Bird / Wildlife.

- Always take opportunities to Film A Day In The Life Of Episodes for other missions.  Your Efforts for Our Records.

- Network every Anti-nuclear / Concerned / Human Rights / Environmental / Volunteer / Dedicated Research Group / Academic / Students / Monitoring Agencies / Entities / Groups / Watchdogs for Assistance, Support, Network, Combined Efforts.

- Assist in total investigation in prosecution of EPA / Associated Agencies / Nuke Regulating Agencies / Governments allowing.   Expand all anti-nuke activity to encompass the Globe.

-Assist in assuring top elevation level of Disaster for West Coast. Establish approved Inspection Team to verify Decontamination / Restoration all over the world. 

- Assist in Fabrication of A Complete Documentary of the Entire Events and Release.

- Record the activities of Consulting Co. spearheading Decom. Fukushima - Emails / Confirmations / Results / Logs / Efforts / Events / Successes / Reasoning / Prepare as a Report and Abridge for Publish Book Version.

- Show complete Cause and Effect damages from Fracking / Alternate Mining Methods / Contributions to Pollution from uncapped Mines / Force the Legislation of closure.

- Support in any field the Immediate Injunction against TEPCO, Japan / Order to close down all Reactors Permanently / Do Not Restart any more reactors / and pay full Remuneration for All Damages to each classification.

- Support Alternate Additional Activities of each “Linc” of GRC for combined leverage to stop Lethal activities / Use contact and diplomatic sources to assist in all efforts.

- Assist in Alternate forms of Fish Farming / Accelerated Food source without GMO chemicals.

-Assist in weeding out Counter productive Organizations accepting money for Humanitarian/Environmental Purposes and Utilizing for personal interest.  

- Support the Global Coalition.

- Find Replacement for current Refrigeration (Freon). 

Add Notes Research

Research Tadas List:


-- Replacement Refrigerants with something Non-toxic / Green.

Add Notes Legal Section

Case Ag. Tepco Add Notes

Case Ag. Nuke Reg. Agencies

Add Notes

Additional notes continued Legal

Legal Tada


- Find due cause and force Inspection / Documentation Report / Status South American Refugees.

- Investigate in detail exactly the activities / contact / bank records / financial Trail / meetings / results / of All Participants Involved in Fukushima Cover-up in Genocide / and associated illegal efforts.  

- Assist with full documentation violation of laws to repeal NAFTA.

-Research Entities with a reputation for hatred of pullotants / Nukes / who have a proclivity to support restorative behavior / Infom and Network with GRC.


- Examine all Budgetary laws (existing/former) and the intent behind.  Have every single itemized incident of violation of those laws by Bush / Clinton Admins— Dpts. / Programs were severely limited to a point of non-functioning because of rerouting of funds away from legislated funds - People without adequate minimal protection / Med / Food / etc. and they either suffered or died — breaking the intent of schools / scholarships / etc. is the proliferation of Children to be trained and take over maintenance positions of the United States of America - separate and threatens the continuation of America by cutting off the ability to supply trained personnel to “run” and take care of America at all echelons. 

EFFECT: Cataloging and documenting all the effects of the rerouting of funds - correlating with the Violation of Budgetary Laws and their Intent and giving Due Cause to Force an Audit of the Bush Administration at all practices / show authority to reroute budgetary funds. 



Teams wanted to develop International Minimal Child Provisionary Laws


Legislate International Child Minimal Provisional Law - with accompanying Indigenous Regional How-To and Enforcement.

Add Notes GRC Section 

Add Notes Shelter/JNBA/M/DSSO Sect.



- Actuate Minimal Child Protection Laws (MCPLs) in DSSO Programs

- Create Social Security system for South America

   - Sex Education mandatory - Birth Control education and use.

- China: setup different retirement system

   - Orphanages

- Africa: teaching indigenous services

   - Sanitation / water / lights / toilets.

   - Sentry - complete understanding how to utilize it - create electricity / use as tool for building / constructing / community centers / use sentry for mill / transport water with it to areas that do not have access to water.

- Training films for Peace corps workers and teaching systems Indigenous: belts / grind wheat / 

- Teaching how to make purified water / sanitation / prep for special events everyday /

- 75 gallon Sentry designs 



Add Notes Business Ops Section 

Add Notes Political Injustice Reform Section (PIR)

PIR Tada


- Review setup - follow careers of all Politicians - what are they doing - how are they serving their Country.  

- Find Politicians that take care of their regions and elect them as people are put out of Congress/Senate. Putting people in congress/senate who will take care of the people.

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